Have a plaque honor family members of friends in the occasion of Birthday, New Born, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Marriage, Anniversary or others. 

Memorial Board Dedication
Complete $5,400
Individual Names $360

Dedicate New Chabad Community Center $100,000
Santuary $50,000
Library $18,000
Rabbi's study $18,000
Kitchen $10,000
Industrial Fridge $3,600
Washing Station $1,800
Aron Kodesh $15,000 ( to incorporate current Aron/Safe ) 
Torah Scroll Dedication $36,000
Bimah $10,000
Folding T ables #20 @ $150 $3,000
Phone System $2,000
Window Treatments $2,500
Computer Equipment
Mechitzah ( Room Divider ) - Sponsored by Emilia Rutigliano

Holocaust Memorial Wall-People. Dedicate a plaque to victims of specific towns and villages etc. in the Former Soviet Union:

$18,000 to dedicate memorial
$5,000 to dedicate individual towns
$360 for individual names, families

Mezuzas #4 @ $5,000 
Tzedoko Box $720
New Siddur $36
Tehillim $26
Tallis $100 

Donor Information
First Name     Last Name 
Address    City  State 
Zip  Email  Phone  
Dedication Plaque   
I would like to write on the plaque the following:  
Payment Information
Full Payment  Two Payments (Date to be charged for balance)
Card Type  Amount to be charged
Name on Card   Exp. Date   
Card Number  CVV Code  3 digits on the back