Having a plaque for your loved remembered ones on the Memorial Board is a way of having them spend the High Holidays and Yizkor Services with you.  



* The Memorial Board Plaque includes: 
-A plaque on the Memorial Board. 
-A lit light by the plaque for the entire month of Yahrtzeit. 
-A yearly reminder letter for Yahrtzeit. 
-Mention in Yizkor Prayers (4 times a year. Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach, Shavuot) 
* Price for Memorial Board Plaque is $360 
(one time fee), with payment options if needed.

SPONSOR Information:                                                                        *required field 
* First Name:  *Last name:  
* Billing Address:  
* City:  * State:  *Zip Code:  
* Telephone:  * E-mail: 

Deceased's Information: 
* Relationship to Sponsor: Father Mother Husband Wife Other: 
* First Name:  * Last name  
* Hebrew Name:  Father's Hebrew Name 
Mark applicable: Cohen   Levi   Israel 
* Date of Passing (mm/dd/yyyy)  
* Time of Passing: Day      Night      if Evening, time PM

* Credit Card Type:    
* Credit Card Number  * Expiration date  
* Cardholder's Name:   
* Billing Zip Code  * CCV (Security Code) 

Payment Plan: The entire amount is a single payment - $360   
                         The entire amount in two equal installments - $180 each   
Please date Checks for a month apart. Credit Card will be charged in two consecutive months.

Memorial Plaque Order will not be processed without payment.